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Psal 104 (MS. Fairfax 40, The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford)

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Psal 104
Psal 104
Psal 104
Psal 104
Psal 104
Psal 104
Psal 104
"Psal 104". MS. Fairfax 40, The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford.


Bless God my soule wth all thy might
Him whom his Glory incercles round
Cloath wth the radiant beames of light
Who curtains of Heauens Canopy vnbound

He in the Ayre his watry chambers sett
Clouds triumphant chariots he rides in
Raging stormes curbes as wth a bitt
Attend wth Angels & flaming seraphins

He lay the Bases of the steady earth
Thatt itt foreuer should remaine
The seas was couerings for't beneath
And vnseene mountains stood wthin the maine

Att his rebuke the waters retired for feare
And att his thundring voyce away did flye
The Hills conceald made ther tops apeare
And att ther feet the sinking vallys lye

Thou setts the seas prescribed bounds
That's waues no more th'earth should hide
The springs through firtile meadowes runs
And mongst the Hills cristal currants glide

Wher sauage beasts ther thirsts allays
The birds by them makes curious nests
In th'adioyning woods tunes ther warbling lays
He from watry orbs parch't grounds refresh

Thatt earth's frutfull wombe might produce
Grass for cattaile to feed ther seueral kindes
And wholseome Hearbes to serue human vse
For pensiue-harts planted chering vines

Made suplinge oyle mans face to smouth
His life sustaind wth strenghthing bread
And sappy trees yearely froutfull proue
Tall cedars thatt on Libanons spred

The groues-musisians harbour ther
Plebean storke in fur-trees builds
Climbing goates to craggy cliffs repare
Weak connys eardsnote in Rocky Hills

Th'moon, seasons rules by alternate change
Days & years by suns vn-eringe course
When nights black-mantle shades his beams
Then hunger, beats from dens do force

The rauenous lyons roare for meate
To heauen they seeke for ther suplies Wher sun his rayes displays to dens retreat
Man all day toyle to rest att night he lies

How many are they workes of wonder
By wisdom Lord they all were done
ABoue earth inricchd wth plenty with minrials vnder In seas things innumerable we cañot so~me

Ther, gliding ships furrow vp the maine
In'ts watry planes the finy creaturs sport
As the crook't Dolphin & huge Leuiathan
These all attend thee for suport

What bounty giues they gether itt
And by thy fauour they increase
When frownes about thy brow be knitt
Th'are to dust, ther breath then cease

By thy quickning breath all created were
What death destroyes againe new suplyes
Who sitts foreuer in his glorious spher
Viewes wth deligh those on him relies

To fury then was his wrath prouoked
When he saw they to reuolts inclin'd
Th'earth then trembl'd lofty Hills did smoke
But whilst I liue to prayse thee has designed

Accept Lord my gratefull thoughts of thee
That in heauenly raptures my sperit raise
Who in sin delight, let him exterped bee
Soule Halilu-jahs singe Jehouahs prayse

eards. 'Eard' is another word of 'earth'. As a verb, 'earth' means 'go to ground', that is, return to its burrow. [back to text]

Modernized Text

Bless God, my soul, with all thy might,
Him whom his glory encircles round.
Clothe with the radiant beams of light
Who curtains of Heaven's canopy unbound.

He in the air his wat'ry chambers set;
Clouds, triumphant chariots he rides in;
Raging storms curbs as with a bit,
Attend[ed] with angels and flaming seraphim.

He lay the basis of the steady earth
That it forever should remain.
The seas was coverings for't beneath,
And unseen mountains stood within the main.

At his rebuke the waters retired for fear,
And at his thund'ring voice away did fly.
The hills concealed made ther tops appear,
And at their feet the sinking valleys lie.

Thou sets the sea's prescribéd bounds,
That'snote 1 waves no more th'earth should hide.
The springs through fertile meadows runs,
And 'mongst the hills crystal currents glide.

Where savage beasts their thirsts allays
The birds by them makes curious nests,
In th'adjoyning woods tunes ther warbling lays.
He from wat'ry orbs parch't grounds refresh,

That earth's fruitful womb might produce
Grass for cattle to feed their several kinds,
And wholseome herbs to serve human use,
For pensive hearts planted chearing vines,

Made suppling oil man's face to smooth,
His life sustain'd with strength'ning bread,
And sappy trees yearly fruitful prove,
Tall cedars that on Lebanon's spread.

The groves musicians harbour there;
Plebeian stork in fir trees builds;
Climbing goats to craggy cliffs repair;
Weak coneys earths in rocky hills.

Th'moon seasons rules by alternate change,
Days and years by sun's unerring course.
When night's black-mantle shades his beams
Then hunger beasts from dens do force.

The ravenous lions roar for meat:
To heaven they seek for ther supplies; Where sun his rays displays, to dens retreat.
Man all day toil; to rest at night he lies.

How many are they works of wonder?
By wisdom, Lord, they all were done.
'Boue earth enriched with plenty, with minerals vnder; In seas things innumerable we cannot sum.

There, gliding ships furrow up the main;
In 'tsnote 2 wat'ry planes the finny creatures sport,
As the crook'd dolphin and huge Leviathan:
These all attend thee for support.

What bounty gives they gather it,
And by thy favour they increase.
When frowns about thy brow be knit,
Th'arenote 3 to dust, their breath then cease.

By thy quick'ning breath all created were;
What death destroys, again new supplies.
Who sits forever in his glorious sphere
Views with delight those on him relies.

To fury then was his wrath provoked
When he saw they to revolts inclined.
Th'earth then trembled, lofty hills did smoke,
But whilst I live to praise thee has designed.

Accept, Lord, my grateful thoughts of thee
That in heavenly raptures my spirit raise.
Who in sin delight, let him extirpédnote 4 be.
Soul, hallelujahs sing Jehouah's praise.

that's. that his. [back to text]

'ts. its. [back to text]

Th'are. They are. [back to text]

extirpéd. extirpated. [back to text]

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